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In an excellent article in InvestmentNews, 5 Ways To Start The Purpose Conversation, author Dan Sharishevsky shared these insights on finding purpose in retirement.

  • Retirement is undoubtedly one of life’s biggest transitions.

  • Today, 75 is the new 60 and 65 is the new 50.

  • Retirement is no longer the finish line. It’s the starting gate!

  • Retirement is a time to redefine yourself… A chance to pursue new passions and live with renewed purpose.

  • While working, you devoted two-thirds of your day to sleeping and work. In retirement, every day is Saturday.

  • Once you retire, your free time more than doubles with 16 hours to fill every day for what could be 20 to 30 years.

  • Without purpose driven plans in retirement, you could experience feelings of boredom, anxiety, depression and loss.

  • Studies have shown that discovering our purpose in retirement is the key to health, healing, happiness and longevity.

  • Even with an adequate nest egg, retirement is about much more than just money.

  • Having A Life Plan For Retirement may be even more important than your Financial Plan to finance your retirement.

Maybe it’s time you had the
“Purpose Conversation”.

This Complimentary eBook will help facilitate
that conversation by helping you to think deeply
about your life well beyond your portfolio.

Source: InvestmentNews. 5 Ways To Start The Purpose Conversation. By Dan Starishevsky. Nov 19, 2018.

Amanda K. Hayes-Blocksom is an investment advisor representative of NewEdge Advisors, doing business as Aurion Wealth/Aurion Wealth Advisors. NewEdge Advisors and Aurion Wealth/Aurion Wealth Advisors are not affiliated entities. Advisory services are only offered to clients or prospective clients where NewEdge Advisors and its representatives are properly licensed or exempt from licensure. This publication is solely for information purposes. Past Performance is no guarantee of future returns. Investing involves risk and possible loss of principal capital. No advice may be rendered by NewEdge Advisors unless a client service agreement is in place. Neither Amanda, Aurion, or NewEdge Advisors are provide personalized tax filing services. All readers are encouraged to contact their tax planning professional regarding any of the ideas discussed in this video. Although information has been gathered from sources believed to be reliable, it cannot be guaranteed, and the accuracy of information contained herein should be independently verified. Investment charts and/or rates of return contained in this video are illustrative only and not indicative of any specific investment product.